Effective Business Growth Strategies to Follow

Written by neatly.io on 23rd July 2018


If you thought growing a business is easy, then you’re wrong! However, it’s possible to grow your business beyond what you can think or imagine if only you are able to adopt workable strategies for the business. Let me shed some light for you here, effective business growth strategies to follow, have to be measurable, cost-effective and reliable for the sustainability of the business. Some of the questions you should ask yourself in the process of coming up with growth strategies are; what are the best marketing skills in order to reach to the desired audience? What would be the possible tips the business can embrace for the business to make sustainable profits? These questions are very integral because they help in narrowing down the growth strategies in relation to the priorities of the business. The following strategies are just, but a few of the workable strategies which sustainable companies like coca cola have applied and have been able to maintain and sustainable niche in the world market.

  1. Workflow Management

Basically, it involves being able to control or manage the processes that a business has to undergo every day. In most cases, workflow management is achieved using software specifically designed for that job. In this case, it means that your business will have to invest in the software in order to achieve maximum results. But the question at hand is, are the benefits of the workflow software viable for a business? The answer is an outright Yes! The two most important things which workflow management attempts to achieve is to give automatic responses in regards to repeated processes and giving a follow up for assignments that have not been completed. Essentially, with an efficient workflow management structure, the business saves a large amount of time and also reduces the tendencies of accumulation of workload which translates to pressure at the workplace.

  1. Employee Satisfaction

It’s very simple; if you want your business to grow, you have to keep the employees happy. According to the American Council for employee rights, 70% of the companies that have huge employee turnover are not able to reach the full potential of the business. Most of the time is spent hiring and firing rather than growing the company. Keeping the employees satisfied with their jobs makes them give a better output. Some of the things that would give employees absolute satisfaction at the workplace include; frequent development training, annual salary reviews, medical benefits, awards for the best performing employees and good working environment, It’s as simple as that right? You scratch your back, and I scratch yours too, and in this case, the employer gives the best terms, and the employee gives the best output. The measure of employee satisfaction is achieved through surveys in the core areas of the business or in some other cases meeting the employees in groups or individually and interrogating them about what they feel about the company.

  1. Using Social Media

We cannot ignore the magic of social media can do for a business to thrive. You may not believe it but, there are so many business this days which are built from scratch by social media. One thing about social media is that it has a huge audience of people and can serve as one of the best marketing platforms for your business. A lot of upcoming companies have resulted to employing a social media person for the company to run social media accounts for them such as; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and my space as well as write and post blogs on the pages to advertise the company. Social media accounts such as Facebook have ads which enable your content to reach the specific targeted audiences hence it becomes a perfect marketing platform for the business. Running your business through social media should help to cut cost too because sometimes you may not need to pay for a physical office because and more so you can run it from any place in the world

  1. Embrace Blogging

If you have not embraced the art of blogging it’s high time you wake up and start. Out there people want to add knowledge for themselves and writing blogs about educational topics and lessons catches a huge following of people and hence makes a business more popular. Write deep stuff and don’t be afraid because people want to read things that can challenge them and add value to them.

  1. Regulating Operational Costs

Your company can never grow efficiently if it does not consider cutting down the operational cost to the basic minimum. There are things that a company that wants to grow efficiently does not have the luxury for. Unfortunately, sometimes the employee’s benefits may tend to compromise when the issue of cutting cost is embraced. Looking at statistics, however, regulating cost has been termed as one of the easiest ways to instigate growth for a company.

  1. Diversify Products and Services

You start to think outside the box and come up with other ways of creating income for your business. Some products and services can be seasonal, but yet still the company needs the continuous production of income for the sustainability of the business operations. Diversifying works magic because it reduces the risk involved in the business ventures.


One of the things that are likely to help you out in choosing an effective growth strategy is the strategic plan for your business. Well, enough said, every business is unique, and the growth strategies that work for one company may not be the same ones which work for the other. Personally, the two strategies I recommend you to consider as a priority are social media and workflow management. It’s not otherwise guaranteed that it’s going to work out completely. You should be open-minded enough and settle for what really works for your business.

Bottom line, find what works for you and forget the rest!!

So, which one are you most likely to use as your business growth strategy for 2018?