15 Magento Extensions Worth Paying For

Written by Jon on 3rd October 2016

Last week I showed you some of the best Magento extensions that allowed you to supercharge your website all for the brilliant price of nothing.

However, as your business grows or if there’s a particular feature you need, you might find that sometimes its worth investing a little extra in your site.

While the project brief for each website is different, the majority of these extensions are ones that I think are worth paying the extra for.

1. Bulk Order Processing

This is probably the first extension I would recommend. If you process more than 2 orders per day it will save you a huge amount of time and money. It will pay for itself immediately as it will allow you to manage orders (including printing, packing and shipping) from the sales overview page rather than going into each individual order!

Oh, and the support is super fast as well!Bulk Order Processing - Xtento

Cost – $99
Developer – Xtento

2.  Order Export

While you can export your product catalogue and customer details, Magento does not offer the ability to export your orders out of the box.

With a range of templates and setup guides, you can use this extension for a number of purposes i.e. labels, gift messages etc. I think that makes it well worth it’s money!

Order Export - Xtento

Cost – $199
Developer – Xtento

3.  Free Gift

Everyone loves a freebie and this extension is a great way for you to increase your average sale value and your conversion rate.

This extension comes with a wide range of features and settings so you can customise to your requirements.

Free Gift - Amasty

Cost – $119
Developer – Amasty

4.  Google Shopping Feed

There are a number of Google Shopping extensions out there but I think this is my favourite. It is easy to setup and you can have your Google Shopping ads up and running within hours. Sometimes it’s worth paying the extra for pure simplicity.

Cost – €95
Developer – Wyomind

5.  Sphinx Search Ultimate

Magento’s own search functionality is ok but remember it is free!  When you start to grow a large product catalogue or you would like to offer more relevant search results then this is the extension for you.

Users are turning to search more and more, so it’s worth investing the cash to provide a top notch user experience. We all hate it when a search doesn’t return the results we were expecting.

Sphinx Search Ultimate also has the ability to index your WordPress database so when users search for a product they will also be shown posts and informational pages relating to their query.


Cost – $149
Developer – Mirasvit

6.  One Step Checkout

There are a few extensions who offer similar features and functions, however this is the one I have used a few times and really like.  Reducing the amount of steps a customer has to go through when checking out can only have a positive effect on your conversion rate.One Step Checkout - Aamasty

Cost – $149
Developer – Amasty

7.  M2Epro

Connecting your Magento website to ebay, Amazon or Google Play?  Then look no further as M2Epro will take care of this for you seamlessly.  Manage listings and orders from within your admin panel saving you a huge amount of time and headaches when managing multiple sales channels!

There is a free plan for those of you who are justing starting out and pricing plan is based on number of orders per month.


Cost – Free plan, then starts at $34/month for stores with $10,000 in sales.
Developer – M2Epro

8.  Advanced SEO Suite

SEO is important, we all know that, and while Magento out of the box is pretty good this extension provides you with a few more options to ensure you website is fully locked and loaded!  This extension is priced slightly higher than the some other SEO extensions, however it is a fraction of the cost you would pay if employing an agency to do the same work.

Advanced SEO Suite - Mirasvit

Cost – $149
Developer – Mirasvit

9. Unirgy Giftcert

Gift certificates are a great way to increase sales and provide the end user with a way to spend as much, or as little of their gift card value as they want.

Unirgy Giftcert

Cost – $125
Developer – Unirgy

10.  Automatic Related Products 2

Related products is a feature within Magento however it can be time consuming, not only setting them up, but also maintaining accurate related products (particularly if you have a large product catalogue!)

This extension takes care of that for you and with a number of rules to ensure you related products are actually related we would definitely recommend this one.

automatic related products 2 - aheadworks

Cost – $149
Developer – AheadWorks

11. Shipper HQ

I have written a previous post on how I believe comprehensive shipping options can provide you with a competitive edge and Shipper HQ provides you with the tools to do this.

With a wide range of features include custom carrier rules, collect in store, delivery date selection and more, with an easy to use dashboard, you can take full control over your shipping options and turn them into a competitive advantage for your business.


Cost – Starts from $50/month
Company – Shipper HQ

12.  Trusted Shops

Reviews are important, they will improve your conversion rate and also enable you to capture valuable feedback about your business and service.

Trusted Shops is a feature rich review system that will integrate with your Magento store and contact customers automatically requesting reviews (you have probably had one similar yourself).

trusted shops

Price – $60/month per user
Company – Trusted Shops

13.  Subscribe Pro

Subscriptions are big business today, they can offer convenience to the customer and recurring revenue for your business.

Subscribe Pro provides you with a range of features to grow your subscription business and integrates with a wide range of payment gateways enabling you to process subscriptions in a safe and secure manner.

Subscribe Pro

Cost – $199/month
Company – Subscribe Pro

14.  Sweet Tooth Rewards

Customer loyalty programs are a great strategy to engage with your customers and increase your retention.

Sweet Tooth has a range of features allowing you to offer a loyalty program that suits your business.  You can reward your customers for a range of activities or maybe just treat them with some bonus points for their birthday that they can redeem on future purchases.


Cost – Starts from $59/month
Company – Sweet Tooth Rewards

15.  Carry the One

Technically this should not be on the list as it does not require an extension but utilises Magento’s API but in our mind that just makes it even easier to setup.  Carry the one integrates your Magento store with your accounting platform (and CRMs) like Xero or Freshbooks saving you huge amounts of time on monthly admin work!

Cost – $31.99/month
Company – Carry the One